The Most Exciting Summer Class Ever!!!!

A Science class this summer that will MEET YOUR LAB SCIENCE REQUIREMENT! Want a science class that will be GREAT FUN, ADVENTURE and INSPIRATIONAL as well? Study dinosaurs, the issues involved in earth history, and field geology at a dig site in eastern Wyoming! Travel to major sites of geological interest in Wyoming and nearby South Dakota and Nebraska.
Photo © 2004 Art Chadwick

Take: Geology 210:Field Methods in Vertebrate Paleontology 4 hours

"An introduction to the techniques and methods of data collection in vertebrate paleontology. Topics include introductions to biostratigraphy (study of rock layers and the fossils they contain), taphonomy (the study of how organisms become fossils), excavation techniques, and specimen preparation and preservation. Laboratory will include practical experience in excavation of fossil vertebrates. Meets the General Education Laboratory Science requirement and may apply towards the biology major. 3 Lec., 3 lab. Offered summers. Field fee."

Spend four to six weeks you can truly enjoy excavating dinosaur remains from the richest dinosaur fossil bed in the world! We will leave here on June 2 to travel to Wyoming. We will spend the next four weeks studying and unraveling the mysteries buried in the quarry, and visiting nearby sites of geological interest, including the Black Hills and Mount Rushmore, and experiencing lectures from Drs. Spencer, Chadwick, and Turner. Cost of four hours tuition credit for this off-campus course is $392. Cost for lodging in primitive field accommodations, site usage fee, food and field transportation is $550! We will leave Keene June 2 and return during the first week of July. Contact Dr. Chadwick for further details at or ext 277. Ten student limit.
For details on the program click here.