Qualificações e Experiência
Alfredo Suzuki, Ph.D.
Física Nuclear Teorética
Pós-doutorado: Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT) São PauloSP Period: November, 1986 through September, 1987
Doutorado: PhD, University of London, Queen Mary College, Physics Department London England Period: October, 1981 through August, 1986
Mestrado: Instituto de Física Teórica, São Paulo, SP Period: March, 1978 through May, 1980
Graduação Superior: Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo (IFUSP), São Paulo, SP Period: March, 1972 through December, 1977
D. M. Capper, D. R. T. Jones, and A. T. Suzuki, "The lightcone gauge at two loops: The scalar anomalous dimension", Z. Phys. C -- Particles and Fields 29, 585 (1985)
A. T. Suzuki, "Oneloop threegluon vertex and power counting in the lightcone gauge", Z. Phys. C -- Particles and Fields 38, 595 (1988)
A. T. Suzuki, "2wdimensional lightcone integrals with momentum shift", J. Math. Phys. 29, 1032 (1988)
B. M. Pimentel, and A. T. Suzuki, "The lightcone gauge and the (causal) principalvalue prescription", Phys. Rev. D42, 2215 (1990)
B. M. Pimentel, and A. T. Suzuki, "Causal prescription for the lightcone gauge", Modern Phys. Lett. A6, 2649 (1991)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "Vacuum polarization tensor in threedimensional quantum electrodynamics", Intern. Journ. Modern Phys. A7, 5307 (1992)
A. T. Suzuki, "Evaluating oneloop lightcone integrals by covariantizing the gaugedependent pole", Modern Phys. Lett. A8, 2365 (1993)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "QED3 radiative corrections in the Heisenberg picture", Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 33, 2199 (1994)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "Causal propagators for algebraic gauges", Il Nuovo Cim. 111B, 751 (1996)
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, "Negative dimensional integration: 'Labtesting' at two loops", JHEP09(1997)002
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, "Twoloop selfenergy diagrams worked out with NDIM", Eur. Phys. Journal C5 (1998) 175
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, "Easy way to solve twoloop vertex integrals", Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 047701
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, "Negative dimensional integration revisited", J. Phys. 31 (1998) 8023
A.T.Suzuki, A. G. M. Schmidt, and R. Bentin, "Probing negative dimensional integration: twoloop covariant vertex and oneloop lightcone integrals", accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys. B (1998)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and U. L. van Kolck, "Stochastic quantization and nonabelian gauge fields", preprint IFTUNESP003/88 (1988)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "On the derivation of causal propagators for algebraic gauges from the principle of analytic extension", preprint IFTP.002/92 (1992)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "A class of finite oneloop lightcone integrals", preprint IFTP.044/92 (1992)
A.T.Suzuki, and A.G.M.Schmidt, "Negative dimensional integration for massive fourpoint functions--I: The standard solutions", hepth/9707187 (22 July 1997)
A.T.Suzuki, and A.G.M.Schmidt, "Twoloop selfenergy diagrams worked out with NDIM", hepth/9709144, (19 Sept 1997)
A.T.Suzuki, and A.G.M.Schmidt, "Negative dimensional integration for massive fourpoint functions--II: New solutions", hepth/9709167, (23 Sept 1997)
B. M. Pimentel, and A. T. Suzuki, "Causality vs. prescriptions", in the Proceedings of the XI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos (ENFPC), Caxambu, MG, 26--30/09/90 (1990)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "Radiative corrections in (2+1)dimensional QED", in the Proceedings of the XII ENFPC, Caxambu, MG, 18--22/09/91 (1991)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "Covariant and noncovariant gauge propagators through analytic continuation", XIII ENFPC, Caxambu, MG, 16--20/09/92 (1992) unpublished
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, "Polariza¸cão do vácuo em (2 + 1)dimensões", XIII ENFPC, Caxambu, MG, 16--20/09/92 (1992) unpublished
A. T. Suzuki, "Covariantized 'spurious' poles in the lightcone gauge", in the Proceedings of the XIV ENFPC , Caxambu, MG, 29/09--03/10/93 (1993)
A. T. Suzuki, Propagadores causais no calibre do cone de luz, in the Proceedings of the III Simpósio de Pósgradua¸cão e Pesquisa em Ciências Exatas e Engenharias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Atibaia, SP, 03--06/11/93 (1993)
R. M. Ricotta, and A. T. Suzuki, Uma prova original para os teoremas de Vandermonde e de Saalschutz, in the Proceedings of the XV ENFPC, Angra dos Reis, RJ, 04--08/10/94 (1994)
A. T. Suzuki, and R. M. Ricotta, "A glance through negative dimensions", in the Proceedings of the Festschrift for Paulo Leal Ferreira, Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP, 07--11/08/95 (1995)
I. G. Halliday, R. M. Ricotta and A. T. Suzuki, "Negative dimensional integration method and massive Feynman diagrams", in the Proceedings of the XVII ENFPC, Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields, Serra Negra, SP, 02--06/09/96 (1996)
A. T. Suzuki and A. G. M. Schmidt, "Negative dimensional integration and massive box diagrams", XVIII ENFPC, Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields, Caxambu, MG, 29/09--03/10/97 (1997) unpublished
A. T. Suzuki and A. G. M. Schmidt, "New results for massive Feynman box diagram integrals", XVIII ENFPC, Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields, Caxambu, MG, 29/09--03/10/97 (1997) unpublished
A. T. Suzuki and A. G. M. Schmidt, "New results for an offshell twoloop threepoint vertex", XVIII ENFPC, Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields, Caxambu, MG, 29/09--03/10/97 (1997) unpublished
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, "Feynman integrals with tensorial structure in NDIM scheme", to appear in the Proceedings of the XIX ENFPC, Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields, Caxambu, MG, 10--14/08/98 (1998)
"The lightcone gauge and the principal value prescription", presented at the Workshop on Physical and Nonstandard Gauges, held at Technical University of Wien from September 19 through 23, Wien, Austria (1989) LISHEP93, Lafex International School on High Energy Physics, from January 24 through February 13, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil (1993)
LISHEP95, Lafex International School on High Energy Physics, from February 06 through 22, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil (1995)
"Negative dimensions and the uses thereof " presented at the VI International School on LightFront Quantization and NonPerturbative QCD, held at International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, IITAP, Iowa State University, from May 06 through June 2, in Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. (1996)
"What on earth can anyone do with negative dimensions? Star trek physics and lightfront physics" presented at the VI International Workshop on LightFront Quantization and NonPerturbative QCD, held at International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, IITAP, Iowa State University, from June 03 through June 14, in Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. (1996)
Degree: Master in Physics
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica, São Paulo, SP
Title: "On the specific heat in a limited medium"
Supervisor: Prof. A. H. Zimerman
Year: 1980
Degree: PhD
Institution: University of London, Queen Mary College Physics Department, London, England
Title: "Lightcone gauge techniques in Yang--Mills and supersymmewtric Yang--Mills field theories"
Supervisors: Prof. M. B. Green and Dr. D. M. Capper
Year: 1986
Degree: Master in Physics
Student: Miss Luciene Pontes Freitas
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Title: Dimensão anômala para a QED escalar no gauge do cone de luz a nível de dois 'loops'
Year: 1994
Degree: Master in Physics
Student: Mr. Alexandre Grezzi de Miranda Schmidt
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Title: Integra¸cão em dimensão negativa em teoria quântica de campos ao nível de 1 e 2loops
Year: Feb. 1998
Degree: Master in Physics
Student: Mr. Ricardo Martin Bentin Zacarias
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Title: Análise das singularidades não físicas ("espúrias") no espalhamento de duas partículas (2®
2) na Eletrodinâmica Escalar (QED4) calibrada no cone de luz.
Year: May 1998
Degree: Doctorate in Physics
Student: Mr. Ricardo Martin Bentin Zacarias
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Area: Gauge fields in the lightcone gauge
Degree: Doctorate in Physics
Student: Mr. Alexandre G. M. Schmidt
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Area: Field theory a la negative dimensions
Discipline: Physics--2
Level: Undergraduate
Institution: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, SP
Year: 1988
Discipline: Classical Mechanics--1
Level: Undergraduate
Institution: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, SP
Year: 1988
Discipline: Electromagnetism--2
Level: Graduate
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP
Year: 1989
Discipline: Quantum Theory of Fields--1
Level: Graduate
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP
Year: 1992
Discipline: Quantum Theory of Fields--2
Level: Graduate
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP
Year: 1993
Discipline: Quantum Theory of Fields--2
Level: Graduate
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP
Year: 1994
Discipline: Statistical Mechanics
Level: Graduate
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP
Year: 1995
Discipline: Statistical Mechanics
Level: Graduate
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP
Year: 1996
Discipline: Classical Mechanics
Level: Graduate
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP, São Paulo, SP
Year: 1997
"Oneloop fifunction for pure Yang--Mills fields in the lightcone gauge", Queen Mary College, Physics Department (1983)
"Twocomponent spinors and the van der Waerden notation: A review", Queen Mary College, Physics Department (1986)
Type: Qualifying for PhD degree
Candidate: Mr. Roberto Andr'e Kraenkel
Subject: Princípios variacionais e o problema variacional inverso na mecânica clássica Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1987
Type: Qualifying for PhD degree
Candidate: Mr. Mauro Donizete Tonasse
Subject: Experimentos com neutrinos e suas contribui¸cões para a física de partículas elementares
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1991
Type: Qualifyng for PhD degree
Candidate: Mr. Clisthenis Ponce Constantinidis
Subject: Uma constru¸cão não--linear para a mecânica quântica
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1992
Type: Examination for MSc. degree
Candidate: Miss Luciene Pontes Freitas
Subject: Dimensão anômala para a QED escalar no no gauge do cone de luz a nível de dois "loops"
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1994
Type: Qualifying for PhD degree
Candidate: Mr. Luiz Antonio Barreiro
Subject: Introdu¸cão ás rêdes neuronais e modêlo de "spin--glass"
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1994
Type: Qualifying for PhD degree
Candidate: Mr. Eduardo de Moraes Gregores
Subject: Física de aceleradores e detetores
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1995
Type: Examination for MSc. degree
Candidate: Mr. Jos'e Luis Boldo
Subject: Dinâmica assintótica na QED 3
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1996
Type: Qualifying for PhD degree
Candidate: Mr. Carlos Fernando de Araújo Júnior
Subject: Princípios variacionais em teoria de espalhamento
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: 1997
Type: Qualifying for PhD degree
Candidate: Mr. Carlos Antônio de Souza Pires
Subject: Teoria Quântica de Campo de Misturas Fermiônicas
Institui¸cão: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Ano: Out. 1997
Type: Examination for MSc. degree
Candidate: Mr. Alexandre Grezzi de Miranda Schmidt
Subject: Integra¸cão em dimensão negativa em teoria quântica de campos ao nível de 1 e 2loops
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: Feb. 1998
Type: Examination for MSc. degree
Candidate: Mr. Ricardo Martin Bentin Zacarias
Subject: Análise das singularidades não físicas ("espúrias) no espalhamento de duas partículas (2®
2) na Eletrodinâmica Escalar (QED4) calibrada no cone de luz
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: May 1998
Type: Qualifying for PhD degree
Candidate: Mrs. Angsula Ghosh
Subject: Eletrodinâmica Quântica dos Campos Fortes
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Year: Jul. 1998
Sponsor: FAPESP
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica
Process: 78/196
Modality: Master's degree
Project: Mecânica estatística em sistemas simples
Supervisor: Prof. A. H. Zimerman
Period: March 1978 through February 1980
Sponsor: FAPESP
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica
Process: 79/19315
Modality: Doctorate
Project: Integra¸cão funcional e sistemas fermiônicos
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. B. M. Pimentel Escobar
Period: March 1980 through September 1981
Sponsor: CNPq
Institution: University of London, Queen Mary College
Process: 200489/81FA
Modality: Overseas Doctorate
Project: "Gauge fields in the lightcone gauge"
Supervisors: Prof. M. B. Green and Dr. D. M. Capper
Period: October 1981 through July 1986
Sponsor: CALTECH
Institution: CALTECH--California Institute of Technology
Modality: Graduate visitor
Project: "Gravitation in the lightcone gauge"
Supervisor: Prof. M. B. Green
Period: September 1982 through December 1982
Sponsor: FAPESP
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica
Process: 86/23769
Modality: Postdoctoral
Project: Campos de gauge no gauge do cone de luz
Period: November 1986 through September 1987
Sponsor: CNPq
Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica--UNESP
Process: 306229/889
Modality: Recent--doctor
Project: Gauges físicos e campos de gauge
Period: October 1988 through September 1989
Sponsor: CAPES
Institution: Technische Universitat Wien
Process: 5447/8910
Modality: Participation in congresses overseas
Project: "Workshop on physical and nonstandard gauges"
Nature: Air travel return ticket São Paulo--Viena--São Paulo
Period: 19 through 23 of September, 1989
Institution: Technische Universitat Wien
Process: FUNDUNESP 355--DFP/f/CET
Modality: Participation in congresses overseas
Project: "Workshop on physical and nonstandard gauges"
Nature: Five days hotel accommodation in Wien
Period: 19 through 23 of September, 1989
Sponsor: CNPq Taxas de bancada
Institution: International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Modality: Participation in congresses overseas
Project: "VI International School on LightFront Quantization and Non--Perturbative QCD"
Nature: Return ticket São Paulo--Ames--São Paulo and accommodation
Period: May 06 through June 02, 1996
Sponsor: IITAP
Institution: International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Iowa State University, Iowa
Modality: Participation in congresses overseas
Project: "VI International Workshop on LightFront Quantization and Non--Perturbative QCD"
Nature: Accommodation expenses
Period: June 03 through 14, 1996
Present: Graduate Courses Coordinator at IFT/UNESP
Member of Scientific Counsel, Funda¸cão IFT
Past: Library Coordinator, IFT/UNESP (1998)
Member of Graduate Courses Counsel (19961998)
Computing facilities Coordinator, IFT/UNESP (19921994)