Alfredo Suzuki
Alfredo Suzuki
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Ph.D. University of London, 1986
Field theory and particle physics, gauge fields, non-covariant gauges.
General Interests
Alfredo Suzuki's interests include radiometric dating, entropy and information theory, and biblical creationism.
Current Research
Dr. Suzuki is currently investigating causality in quantum field theory and negative dimensional integration technique in quantum field theories.
Photo:Ray Kablanow examines the Tapeats near the south corner of Tapeats Embayment, Grand Canyon, AZ
Selected Publications
A.T.Suzuki, A. G. M. Schmidt, and R. Bentin, ``Probing negative dimensional integration: twoloop covariant vertex and oneloop lightcone integrals'', accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys. B (1998)A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, ``Negative dimensional integration revisited'', J. Phys. 31 (1998) 8023
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, ``Easy way to solve twoloop vertex integrals'', Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 047701
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, ``Twoloop selfenergy diagrams worked out with NDIM'', Eur. Phys. Journal C5 (1998) 175
A. T. Suzuki, and A. G. M. Schmidt, ``Negative dimensional integration: `Labtesting' at two loops'', JHEP09(1997)002
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, ``Causal propagators for algebraic gauges'', Il Nuovo Cim. 111B, 751 (1996)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, ``QED3 radiative corrections in the Heisenberg picture'', Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 33, 2199 (1994)
A. T. Suzuki, ``Evaluating oneloop lightcone integrals by covariantizing the gaugedependent pole'', Modern Phys. Lett. A8, 2365 (1993)
B. M. Pimentel, A. T. Suzuki, and J. L. Tomazelli, ``Vacuum polarization tensor in threedimensional quantum electrodynamics'', Intern. Journ. Modern Phys. A7, 5307 (1992)
B. M. Pimentel, and A. T. Suzuki, ``Causal prescription for the lightcone gauge'', Modern Phys. Lett. A6, 2649 (1991)
B. M. Pimentel, and A. T. Suzuki, ``The lightcone gauge and the (causal) principalvalue prescription'', Phys. Rev. D42, 2215 (1990)
A. T. Suzuki, ``2wdimensional lightcone integrals with momentum shift'', J. Math. Phys. 29, 1032 (1988)
A. T. Suzuki, ``Oneloop threegluon vertex and power counting in the lightcone gauge'', Z. Phys. C -- Particles and Fields 38, 595 (1988)
D. M. Capper, D. R. T. Jones, and A. T. Suzuki, ``The lightcone gauge at two loops: The scalar anomalous dimension'', Z. Phys. C -- Particles and Fields 29, 585 (1985)